The key to looking radiant and youthful is by maintaining your natural beauty and taking care of your skin. A vajacial is a spa treatment concentrating on the skin of the bikini-line and outer labia.


A vajacial treats ingrown hairs, removes dead skin cells, smooths bumps around bikini line, prevents acne, helps with hyperpigmentation, all to maintain healthy, smooth and hydrated skin in the vaginal area.

A vajacial is typically a 30 minute treatment, which includes a cleanse, mild enzyme exfoliant, extractions of ingrown hairs, followed by a custom mask, completed with a skin brightening serum or spot treatment. A light chemical peel can also be done in this area.

Vajacials are usually follow up treatments to help deal with side effects of hair removal on the vulva and bikini area.

Vajacials can help with evening out skin tone around the bikini and get rid of bacteria and skin-brightening treatments to lessen discoloration and hyperpigmentation. Helps with vaginal skin care, preventing irritation from waxing/shaving. Along with maintaining upkeep and promoting cosmetic benefits of the vagina, the vajacial also promotes body positivity.

At EvoScient we use all natural and sensitive-skin oriented products that help to illuminate, soothe and hydrate the skin of your intimate areas. Your EvoScient Therapist will recommend products based on your needs. We love using Hale and Hush.

Even though this is a procedure for an intimate, more sensitive area, everyone’s area is different. Yes, this is safe for sensitive skin. A patch test will be done beforehand to ensure you will achieve maximum results.

Vajacials can open and create a non-sexual and comfortable relationship for women who tend to stray away from that region of the body. A vajacial is also known to be a great stress relieving process such as getting a regular monthly facial, massage or mani/pedi. The perfect treatment to add to a spa day for ultimate full body relaxation.